The Bachelor of Music Education program is offered through the College of Music and Fine Arts. For more information about the Bachelor of Music Education degree, learning objectives, faculty, and student opportunities, please visit the School of Music Website.
School of Music Faculty & Staff
In addition to completing the core requirements, students must complete a sequence of courses for a particular music education field. Available sequences are Instrumental (Instrumental or Keyboard Applied area) and Vocal (Keyboard or Vocal Applied Area).
Alternative Teacher Certification Course Listings
These Certification Only Programs require that the candidate posses a bachelor's degree in music, and passing scores on Praxis I and the Praxis II Music Content Area Exams.
Course Descriptions:
Honors Program Requirements for CMFA Majors
Music education candidate progress is determined by assessment measures employed at transition portals 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Portal 1- (Freshman)
Portal 2- (Sophomore — Junior)
Portal 3- (Senior)
Portal 4– Licensed Practice
* Our Lady of Holy Cross (OLHCC) consortium
The culminating experience in music teacher education is teaching internship. Internship teaching is a full-time, off-campus, school-based experience comprising a full semester. During internship teaching, the teacher candidate is expected to assume all responsibilities of a certified teacher. Intern teaching is clinical practice supervised by one or more faculty members in the music education department and a mentor teacher in the school.
Upon successful completion of the internship and certification by the state of Louisiana Department of Education, teacher candidates qualify for application for the bachelor of music degree. Faculty review may require probation or removal of teacher candidate for a given period. The services of the university counseling center are available for the purpose of career counseling to assist student teacher candidates.
To be recommended by Loyola University New Orleans for teacher certification as a K — 12 instrumental music teacher, vocal teacher, or general music teacher in Louisiana, the teacher candidate must fulfill all the requirements specified by the department for the degree program in music education. The degree program incorporates all the requirements for certification by the State of Louisiana for teaching in grades K – 12. Certification requirements for Louisiana including reciprocity with other states are established by the Louisiana State Department of Education and are subject to change. Any such changes will be incorporated into the teacher preparation programs.