Latin (LATN)

Major Courses

LATN A100 Beginning Latin I 3 crs.

Language tells us many things about a culture, not only in what people have to say but how they say it. This course introduces students to the world of the ancient Romans through a study of their language.

LATN A101 Beginning Latin II 3 crs.

This course is a continuation of LATN A100.

Prerequisite: LATN A100 or placement

LATN A250 Intermediate Latin 3 crs.

In this course, students enhance their understanding of the basics of Latin grammar and syntax and increase their knowledge of Latin vocabulary in preparation for reading Latin literature. Readings are drawn from both prose and poetry in order to prepare students for advanced courses in Latin authors.

Prerequisite: LATN A101 or placement

LATN A304 Prose of Republican Rome 3 crs.

This course surveys works of prose writers who lived during the Roman Republic. Authors such as Cato, Nepos, Caesar, Sallust, and Cicero provide insight into key political figures and military action of the Republic and offer a variety of writing styles. 

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A305 Poetry of Republican Rome 3 crs.

This course is a survey of the works of poets who lived during the Roman Republic (509 B.C. to 31 B.C.) and includes selected readings from the works of Plautus, Terence, Lucretius, and Catullus. Assignments focus on reading Latin and examining the response of these poets to the times in which they lived.

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A336 Augustan Prose 3 crs.

In this course, students read the works of authors who lived during the Age of Augustus (31 B.C. to 14 A.D.) including Augustus, Livy, and/or Vitruvius. Assignments focus on reading Latin and examining the response of these authors to the times in which they lived.

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A337 Augustan Poetry 3 crs.

This course examines the works of poets who lived during the Age of Augustus (31 B.C. to 14 A.D.) including Vergil, Horace, Tibullus, Propertius, and/or Ovid. Assignments focus on reading Latin and examining the response of these poets to the times in which they lived.

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A342 Prose of Imperial Rome 3 crs.

This course examines the prose works of the early imperial period. Study of these works provides in-depth information about Roman life and politics in the first and second century A.D. and demonstrates the range of expression capable in Latin. 

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A343 Poetry of Imperial Rome 3 crs.

This course surveys the works of poets who lived during the Roman Empire, specifically from the reign of Nero to the reign of Trajan. Genres include epic, bucolics, and satire. Assignments focus on reading Latin and examining the response of these poets to the times in which they lived. 

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A430 Latin of Late Antiquity 3 crs.

This course examines Latin works by writers who lived during the final years of the Roman Empire. Readings include religious and secular texts such as the Passio Sanctorum Felicitatis et Perpetuae, Apollonius King of Tyre, and works by St. Augustine and Tertullian. 

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A435 Medieval Latin 3 crs.

This course focuses on works from the authors who offer a glimpse into the intellectual world of the Medieval period. Discussions include the influence of ancient authors as well as the historical and cultural contexts of the Medieval writers. 

Prerequisite: LATN A250 or equivalent

LATN A493 Directed Readings 3 crs.

Course content varies and is keyed to the participants' interests in relevant professional topics.

LATN A498 Research Project, credits vary

This course involves independent study projects for qualified majors who develop interest in a certain area.

LATN A499 Independent Study, credits vary

Independent work done under professorial supervision.