Meal Plans (Board)

Loyola Dining Services offers several meal plan options that offer a combination of all-you-can-eat meals and the declining balance dollars, known as Wolf Bucks. The all-you-can-eat meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinners. Wolf Bucks are used for snacks, and late night dining. Additional Wolf Bucks may be purchased in $100 increments.

While all students living in the residence halls are required to participate in a meal plan, first year students, freshmen and sophomores, must choose one of the weekly meal plans or the combination plan.  All commuter undergraduate degree-seeking day students enrolled in 6 credit hours or more must participate in a meal plan at a minimum level of $250 per semester.


Weekly Plans: Any 19, 15, or 12 all-you-can-eat meals each week.

19 meals per week (includes $125 in WolfBucks) $2,811 per sem.
15 meals per week (includes $400 in WolfBucks) $2,553 per sem.
12 meals per week (includes $660 in WolfBucks) $2,365 per sem.

Semester Plans: Any 50, 75, or 100 all-you-can-eat meals each semester in any combination and at any point in time. The semester plan includes $500 Wolf Bucks per semester.

50 meals per semester (includes $500 in WolfBucks) $1,032 per sem.
75 meals per semester (includes $500 in WolfBucks) $1,245 per sem.
100 meals per semester (includes $500 in WolfBucks) $1,485 per sem.

Wolf Bucks Only: Students may select from four plans that provide only Wolf Bucks.  These plans may be purchased for their actual value of $500, $750, $1,500 or $2,000.

Commuter Wolf Bucks  $250 per sem.

Combination Plan: Any 9 all-you-can-eat meals per week, plus any 75 all-you-can-eat meals each semester, plus $600 Wolf Bucks per semester.

Combo Meal Plan $2,621 per sem.

For more information about our meal plans, please visit our website at

Prices updated June 10, 2016 due to sales tax updates made by the State of Louisiana.