Game Studies

Over the past several decades, videogames and digital media entertainment have become an increasingly important part of our economy and culture. In response to the rapidly growing impact of the videogame industry, the game studies minor provides a rigorous analysis of digital media and their growing influence on contemporary human behavior, objects, institutions, and values.

Students pursuing the game studies minor will learn about the nature and function of human play through thematically linked courses analyzing games and gamerelated activities. As a fundamental concept in philosophy, psychology, and art, human play finds expression in individual cognition and in social community prominently including carnival, festival, and performance arts associated with New Orleans and the surrounding cultural region.

Contact Games Studies

Loyola University New Orleans
Game Studies Minor
6363 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118

Dr. David Myers, Co-Director
Office: CMU 406
Phone: (504)865-3430

Dr. Tim Welsh, Co-Director
Office: Bobet 327
Phone: (504)865-2295

Program of Study 

The Game Studies minor is completed with the following courses. 

2016 Game Studies Minor Tracking Sheet

The Game Studies minor requires 18 credit hours

Required Courses

  • ENGL A222 How to Do Things With Videogames
  • CMMN X202 Game As Art*

6 crs.

Primary Electives
Choose two of the following courses:

  • CMMN X236 Understanding Media
  • CMMN X237 Media Play or
    CMMN H295 Theories of Media Play
  • ENGL A220 Media and Mediation
  • ENGL N205 Videogames and Literature**

6 crs.

Secondary Electives
Choose two of the following courses:

  • CMMN A382 Social Media Strategies
  • ENGL A376 Technoculture
  • ENGL A444 Posthumanism
  • PHIL V277 Minds and Machines
  • PSYC X266 The Science of Good and Evil
  • SOCI A240 Sociology of Sport
  • SOCI A242 Sociology of Mardi Gras
  • VISA A373 Interactive & Electronic Media I
  • VISA A474 Interactive & Electronic Media II
6 crs.
* The CMMN courses in this minor are only available to Mass Communication majors as non-minor credit (e.g. as common curriculum or elective credit courses). Mass Communication majors may pursue the Game Studies minor by substituting 3 crs. outside the major for CMMN X202 Game as Art. These 3 crs. will be chosen from the minor's elective course list with the approval of the minor adviser(s). 
** Game Studies minors may be given the option, with the approval fo the minor adviser(s), to substitute ENGL T121 Violence and Videogames for ENGL N205 Videogames and Literature. 

Faculty & Staff

  • Erin Dupuis, Psychological Sciences
  • David Myers, School of Mass Communication
  • Andrew Nelson, School of Mass Communication
  • John Seefeldt, Studio Art
  • Tim Welsh, Department of English