In order to attain the Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Certificate, students need to complete 15 hours of courses work: 5 hours of business courses, 5 hours of courses that focus on technology, and 5 hours of elective course work. Within these 5 elective credit hours, students are allowed to choose courses from either of two pools: one consisting of classes that would aid a lawyer in advising entrepreneurs, the other consisting of courses that would assist a lawyers to use and understand technology in order to become an entrepreneur.
Required Entrepreneurship Courses (5 credit hrs.):
LAW L746 Business Organizations I (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L867 Business Planning Seminar (2 credit hrs.)
Required Technology Courses (5 credit hrs.):
LAW L801 Intellectual Property Law (3 hrs.)
LAW L967 Law and Technology Seminar (2 credit hrs.)
Electives (5 credit hrs.):
Students must chose at least 5 credit hours of courses from either or both of two pools, one focused on advising entrepreneurs and the other focused on innovative use of technology.
Advising Entrepreneurs:
LAW L747 Business Organizations II (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L804 Legal Accounting (2 credit hrs.)
LAW L806 Corporate Finance (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L808 Securities Regulation (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L836 Real Estate Transactions (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L840 Employment Law (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L872 Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (2 credit hrs.)
LAW L873 Taxation of Partnerships (3 credit hrs)
LAW L980 Income Taxation (3 credit hrs.)
Lawyer as Entrepreneur:
LAW L821 Computer Law (2 credit hrs.)
LAW L828 Trademark, Trade Name and Unfair Competition Law (3 hrs.)
LAW L845 Communications Law (2 credit hrs.
LAW L849 Patent Law (2 credit hrs.)
LAW L850 Copyright Law (3 credit hrs.)
LAW L897 Clinical Seminar: Litigation & Technology (10 credit hrs. over 2 semesters)
Other appropriate courses offered by Loyola or other accredited American law schools may be approved by the associate dean for academic affairs for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the certificate program.
In order to receive the Certificate, students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better in the Certificate courses and an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.