Certificate in International Legal Studies

Requirements for Students Entering the College of Law in Fall 2013

Students are eligible to receive the certificate upon the successful completion of all requirements for graduation in either the civil law curriculum or the common law curriculum and LAW L878 International Law plus 9 credit hours from the following list of electives.  Students must maintain an average of "B" or better in all classes taken to satisfy the course requirements for the certificate.  Students must obtain at least a graduating G.P.A. of 2.5.

Course Hours
LAW L803 Western Legal Tradition
LAW L805 Law of European Union I
LAW L811 Law of European Union II
LAW G821 Comparative Judicial Systems
LAW L832 Immigration and Nationality Law
LAW G842 Comparative Judicial Process
LAW L876 Conflict of Laws
LAW G879 International Trade Regulation
LAW L881 Comparative Law
LAW G884 Latin American Law Seminar
LAW L884 International Law Seminar
LAW G890 Current Issues in Japanese Law
LAW L924 Human Rights Advocacy Project
LAW L925 International Trade Law
LAW L926 International Investment Law
LAW L927 International Financial Services Law
LAW L928 International Dispute Resolution
LAW L929 Selected Topics in International Environmental Law
LAW L932 Immigration Law Seminar
LAW L974 Canon Law
LAW L981 International Taxation

3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
3 hrs.
1 hr.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
2 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2 hrs.

2 hrs.
1 or 3 hrs.
3 hrs.

Other comparative or international law courses offered by Loyola or other accredited American law schools may be approved by the associate dean for student academic affairs for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the certificate program.

Certificate in International Legal Studies

Students are eligible to receive the certificate upon the successful completion of all requirements for graduation in either the civil law curriculum or the common law curriculum plus four additional courses aggregating at least 10 credit hours selected from the following list of elective courses.

Course Hours
LAW L803 Western Legal Tradition
LAW L805 Law of European Union I
LAW L811 Law of European Union II
LAW G821 Comparative Judicial Systems
LAW L832 Immigration and Nationality Law
LAW G842 Comparative Judicial Process
LAW L876 Conflict of Laws
LAW L878 International Law
LAW G879 International Trade Regulation
LAW L881 Comparative Law
LAW G884 Latin American Law Seminar
LAW L884 International Law Seminar
LAW G890 Current Issues in Japanese Law
LAW L924 Human Rights and Global Marketplace
LAW L925 International Trade Law
LAW L926 International Investment Law
LAW L927 International Financial Services Law
LAW L928 International Dispute Resolution
LAW L929 Selected Topics in International Environmental Law
LAW L932 Immigration Law Seminar
LAW L974 Canon Law
LAW L981 International Taxation

3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
3 hrs.
1 hr.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
2 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2-3 hrs.
2 hrs.

2 hrs.
1 or 3 hrs.
3 hrs.

Other comparative or international law courses offered by Loyola or other accredited American law schools may be approved by the associate dean for student academic affairs for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the certificate program.

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